Here are the things that truly make an obsessed astronomer maps. Weather maps with good news. Weather maps with good news on a weekend, and under a waning gibbous third-quarter moon!
Here is the Clear Sky Clock for my observatory.
You can find out all about CSS here.
Then there is the clear dry surface map. I can't remember the last time the weather over Michigan looked this promising.
And then there is the satellite image. I've practically wet myself now...
Last night was productive. I logged over 100 variable star estimates, mostly monitoring cataclysmic variables for outbursts. I caught several. Here is what a nightly report of visual observations looks like.
Date:August 14 , 2009
Observer: Mike Simonsen (SXN)
C. E. Scovil Observatory
Imlay City, MI, USA
Equipment: 12" LX200 SCT
Charts: AAVSO, Henden, Simonsen
Conditions: Clear, slight haze at times.
Con/Name yymmdd Vmag obs code comments
ANDAR 090814.3028 <14 .2="" br="" sxn="">ANDDX 090814.2958 15.0 SXN
ANDFN 090814.3007 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">ANDFO 090814.3014 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">ANDIW 090814.3056 14.1 SXN OUTBURST
ANDLL 090814.2986 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">ANDLS 090814.2993 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">ANDRX 090814.3042 13.2 SXN
ANDZ 090814.2972 10.2 SXN
AQLCI 090814.1708 <14 .4="" br="" sxn="">AQLDH 090814.1653 <14 .3="" br="" sxn="">AQLES 090814.1722 12.0 SXN
AQLFO 090814.1715 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">AQLKX 090814.1792 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">AQLPQ 090814.1778 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">AQLUU 090814.1674 13.6 SXN ACTIVE
AQLV1141 090814.1743 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">AQLV725 090814.1764 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">AQRVY 090814.266 <14 .5="" br="" sxn="">AQRVZ 090814.2674 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">CETWW 090814.2792 13.2 SXN OUTBURST
CYGCI 090814.2181 10.4 SXN BRIGHT
CYGEM 090814.2097 12.8 SXN ACTIVE
CYGEY 090814.2139 14.6 SXN
CYGSS 090814.2472 10.6 SXN
CYGV1006 090814.2222 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1028 090814.2278 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1062 090814.2382 <14 .7="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1062 090814.2396 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1081 090814.2396 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1089 090814.25 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1113 090814.2257 <15 .1="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1114 090814.2056 <14 .5="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1251 090814.2486 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1316 090814.234 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1329 090814.2375 13.3 SXN
CYGV1363 090814.2306 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1454 090814.216 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1504 090814.225 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">CYGV1505 090814.2049 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">CYGV2176 090814.2264 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">CYGV337 090814.2229 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">CYGV404 090814.2313 <15 .2="" br="" sxn="">CYGV482 090814.2153 11.2 SXN
CYGV503 090814.2354 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">CYGV516 090814.2326 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">CYGV542 090814.2292 <15 .1="" br="" sxn="">CYGV550 090814.2299 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">CYGV630 090814.2458 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">CYGV632 090814.2438 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">CYGV792 090814.2125 14.7 SXN OUTBURST
CYGV793 090814.2132 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">CYGV795 090814.2111 <14 .5="" br="" sxn="">CYGV811 090814.2215 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">CYGV868 090814.2069 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">DELEZ 090814.1965 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">DELHO 090814.1979 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">DRAAB 090814.1618 12.9 SXN ACTIVE
DRADV 090814.1535 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">DRAEX 090814.1583 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">HERAH 090814.125 12.5 SXN ACTIVE
HERAM 090814.1549 13.3 SXN
HERCH 090814.1299 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">HERPR 090814.1382 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">HERV1008 090814.1368 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">HERV589 090814.1222 <14 .4="" br="" sxn="">HERV592 090814.1229 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">HERV844 090814.1264 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">HS1857+71 090814.1604 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">LACAY 090814.2556 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">LACBL 090814.2514 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">LACKM 090814.2542 <14 .7="" br="" sxn="">LACPS 090814.2528 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">LYRAY 090814.1417 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">LYRCY 090814.1313 13.2 SXN ACTIVE
LYRDM 090814.1354 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">LYRLL 090814.1403 13.7 SXN ACTIVE
LYRMV 090814.1465 13.6 SXN
LYRV344 090814.1431 15.1 SXN OUTBURST
LYRV391 090814.1389 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">LYRV415 090814.1486 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">LYRV419 090814.15 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">LYRV493 090814.1444 <15 .1="" br="" sxn="">LYRV585 090814.1521 <15 .1="" br="" sxn="">LYRV587 090814.1514 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">NSV14652 090814.2757 <14 .5="" br="" sxn="">NSV24663 090814.1813 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">NSV7883 090814.1243 12.2 SXN
PEGEF 090814.2701 <14 .7="" br="" sxn="">PEGHX 090814.2764 13.7 SXN ACTIVE
PEGIP 090814.2743 <14 .4="" br="" sxn="">PEGRU 090814.2729 12.7 SXN
PEGV368 090814.2736 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">PEGVAR79 090814.2715 <14 .7="" br="" sxn="">PERDY 090814.3139 13.0 SXN
PERKT 090814.309 <14 .5="" br="" sxn="">PERPT 090814.3153 <14 .5="" br="" sxn="">PERQY 090814.3167 <14 .7="" br="" sxn="">PERTZ 090814.3125 13.1 SXN OUTBURST
PERUV 090814.3111 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">PSCEI 090814.2806 <14 .6="" br="" sxn="">PSCTY 090814.284 <15 .1="" br="" sxn="">PSCXY 090814.2826 <14 .4="" br="" sxn="">SGEAW 090814.1854 <14 .7="" br="" sxn="">SGEFG 090814.1896 <14 .7="" br="" sxn="">SGERZ 090814.1868 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">SGESV 090814.1819 10.4 SXN
SGEV 090814.191 11.3 SXN
SGEWZ 090814.1889 <14 .5="" br="" sxn="">TRITU 090814.2875 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">TRITW 090814.2778 <14 .3="" br="" sxn="">TRITX 090814.2889 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">TRIWY 090814.2903 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">VULFY 090814.1924 14.2 SXN ACTIVE
VULRZ 090814.1938 12.4 SXN
VULSW 090814.1951 <14 .9="" br="" sxn="">VULTY 090814.1993 <15 .0="" br="" sxn="">VULVW 090814.2021 <14 .8="" br="" sxn="">
Tonight we should be able to get all those plus many in Triangulum, Perseus and Andromeda that were too close to the moon last night. Time to get some rest. Its gonna be a long one.14>15>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>15>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>15>15>14>14>14>15>14>14>14>14>15>14>15>14>14>14>14>15>14>15>14>14>14>15>14>14>14>14>15>15>14>14>15>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>15>14>14>14>14>14>15>15>14>14>15>14>15>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>14>
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